Mary Beth Gahn is a fundraising and event professional with a background in the arts, contemporary politics and social issues. She worked in sales and marketing for her family’s business, Gahn Meat Co., in the Sherman Park neighborhood. Before that, she worked at the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum and was an “on loan executive” to the United Performing Arts Fund for a while. Last year she took a job working for a cause that’s dear to her. She’s the major gifts officer for Wisconsin Right to Life. Mary Beth is active in conservative circles, including the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network and America’s Future Foundation, supporting entrepreneurship, personal responsibility and fiscal discipline. She also volunteers for disability rights causes and is a lector at her Catholic parish, Three Holy Women. She talked about the “influence that each of us has” and the “agency we have over our own lives” as ways to “lean in to democracy.” She also spoke movingly about what it meant to take her brother to the polls.