Tyler Kelly may have recently graduated from Franklin High School, but he’s already a seasoned gun-control activist. In December he helped plan student walkouts after shootings in Waukesha and Oshkosh high schools. He participated in a news conference at the Wisconsin Capitol as part of the Milwaukee chapter of March for Our Lives, a student group formed after the shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida to advocate for universal background checks and other measures. In one speech he noted that he’s part of #generationlockdown and had spent 30 minutes that morning sitting on the classroom floor in a safety exercise. He was born after the Columbine High School shootings and says gun violence has been an epidemic during the whole of his life. Tyler, who has interned for state Sen. Chris Larson and also has been involved in debate and music, plans to study political science and international political economy at Carthage College.